Guide for Selecting a Dining Table: Tips for Making the Right Choice

Liam Dining Table

Choosing the right dining table is crucial as it not only serves as a gathering place for family and friends but also contributes to the overall aesthetics of your dining area.

With the wide variety of options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to make a decision. In this guide, we will provide you with helpful tips to ensure you make the right choice for your dining table.

Tips for Selecting a Dining Table

Leena Dining Table 

1. Consider the Size of Your Space

Before diving into the details, it’s important to measure your dining area accurately. Consider the available space and take into account other furniture pieces like chairs, sideboards, or cabinets.

You need to ensure that the table you choose fits comfortably within the room, allowing sufficient space for people to move around.

2. Determine the Shape

Dining tables come in various shapes, each with its own advantages and considerations. The most common shapes include rectangular, square, round, and oval.

Rectangular tables are versatile and suitable for larger dining areas, while square tables work well in smaller spaces. Round and oval tables promote conversation as everyone is facing each other, making them ideal for social gatherings.

3. Evaluate the Material

The material of your dining table plays a significant role in its durability, maintenance, and overall appearance. Popular choices include wood, glass, metal, and composite materials.

Wood is a timeless option, offering warmth and character, but it may require regular maintenance. Glass tables create a modern and sleek look, but they can be prone to scratches.

Metal tables are sturdy and easy to clean, while composite materials provide a combination of durability and affordability.

4. Consider the Style

Your dining table should harmonise with the overall style of your home. Whether you prefer traditional, contemporary, rustic, or industrial, there is a wide range of styles to choose from.

Consider the existing decor and select a dining table that complements the aesthetic of your space. This will create a cohesive and visually pleasing atmosphere.

5. Assess the Seating Capacity

The number of people you expect to accommodate regularly will determine the size of the dining table. A general rule of thumb is to allow at least 60 cm of table width per person to ensure comfortable seating.

Consider whether you want the flexibility to extend the table for larger gatherings or if a fixed size is sufficient for your needs.

6. Think About Functionality

Beyond being a surface for meals, dining tables often serve other purposes. Determine how you intend to use the table to ensure it meets your functional requirements.

If you frequently host dinner parties or have a large family, an extendable table might be a practical choice. Additionally, if you require storage space, consider tables with built-in drawers or shelves.

7. Test for Comfort

Comfort is paramount when it comes to selecting a dining table. Before making a purchase, sit at the table and check if the height and legroom are suitable for you and your family members.

Ensure that the dining chairs you plan to pair with the table also provide sufficient comfort and support.

8. Set a Budget

Dining tables come in a wide price range, so it’s important to establish a budget before starting your search. Determine how much you are willing to spend and explore options within your price range.

Remember to consider the long-term value and durability of the table rather than solely focusing on the initial cost.


Talia Dining Table 

1. How do I maintain and care for my dining table?

The maintenance and care instructions for your dining table will depend on the material. Wood tables may require periodic polishing and protection from heat and moisture. Glass tables should be cleaned with appropriate glass cleaners to avoid streaks. 

Metal tables can be wiped with a damp cloth and mild soap, and composite tables can be cleaned with a non-abrasive cleaner. It’s always best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for specific care instructions.

2. What is the ideal height for a dining table?

The standard height for a dining table is around 76 cm. However, it’s essential to consider the height of the chairs you plan to pair with the table to ensure comfortable seating. Allow for around 25-30 cm between the seat of the chair and the tabletop for optimal legroom.

3. Can I mix and match dining chairs with my table?

Absolutely! Mixing and matching dining chairs can add an element of visual interest and personality to your dining area.

However, ensure that the chairs you choose are compatible in terms of height and style. Consider coordinating elements such as colour, material, or design to create a cohesive look.

4. How can I determine the quality of a dining table?

When assessing the quality of a dining table, consider factors such as the material used, construction techniques, and the reputation of the manufacturer or brand. 

Solid wood tables are generally considered more durable and of higher quality than those made with veneers or composites. Additionally, check for sturdiness, smooth finishes, and attention to detail in the craftsmanship.

If you’re on the hunt for top-notch yet reasonably priced dining tables, I highly recommend checking out CUURA Space and DI (Design Indulgences) for some fantastic options.

5. How can I ensure my dining table will fit through doorways and hallways during delivery?

Before purchasing a dining table, measure the dimensions of your doorways and hallways to ensure that the table can be easily manoeuvred through them.

If you have narrow passages or tight corners, consider opting for a table that can be disassembled or has removable legs for easier transportation.


Denisse Dining Table 

Selecting the perfect dining table in Malaysia is an important decision that requires careful consideration.

By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your style preferences, fits your space, and meets your functional needs. 

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